Or centromeric regions. We identified what kinds of TR are preceding
Or centromeric regions. We identified what kinds of TR are preceding these gaps (Table 3). The ends assembly does not allow to find TR on all chromosomes, so we determine the distance from the gap to PubMed ID:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26780312 the first gene (Additional file 1, Table S1). Only two assemblies end up in MaSat arrays: chromosomes 9 and 11. Four assemblies end up in the newly found TRPC-21A (chromosomes 3, 4, 16 and 17).Figure 2 TR arrays distribution graph. The graph of tandem repeat arrays distribution was done in MathematicaTM 7.0. Each circle represents one array found in WGS assemblies. Each family was colored according to the Table 2: centromeric MiSat (magenta); pericentromeric MaSat (blue); TRPC-21A-MM (orange); heterogeneous multi locus (ML, indigo); heterogeneous single locus (SL, yellow); heterogeneous Unplaced (UnP, burnt orange); TE-related tandem repeats (TE, green). X axis – monomer length (bp) up to 2 kb; Y axis – GC-content is normalized to 1; Z axis similarity RG7666 custom synthesis between monomers. A and B – different projections of the same graph.Komissarov et al. BMC Genomics 2011, 12:531 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/12/Page 5 ofTable 3 TR arrays in the region adjusted to centromeric gapChromosome TR subfamily 3 4 4 6 9 11 16 17 17 18 Array length (kb) Coordinates (bp) 3000001-3033629 3006469-3013522 3104899-3109811 3082006-3091879 3000003-3038419 3000004-3003872 3232335-3241336 3006399-3038945 3070530-3075093 3112790-3120776 TRPC-21A-MM 33.6 TRPC-21A-MM 7.0 TR-22A-MM TR-22A-MM MaSat MaSat 4.9 9.9 38.4 3.TRPC-21A-MM 9.0 TRPC-21A-MM 32.5 TR-27A-MM TR-22A-MM 4.6 8.Only TR with the array more than 3 kb in the distance up to 2 Mb from the centromeric gap is shown. TR – TR name is given according to Tables 4 and 5. Coordinates – the array position on chromosome.On chromosomes 4 and 17 the arrays of TR-22A and TR-27A are followed by TRPC-21A. TR-22A arrays are also found at the very ends of chromosomes 6 and 18. We found out that only eight chromosome ends contain TR arrays and six of them are distinct from the pericentromeric MaSat.MiSat (minor satellite) and MaSat (major satellite) familiesThe previous experimental data indicated the sequence uniformity of mouse satDNA, i.e. MaSat monomers variability is less than 5 [25], and 5.6 variation is found between MiSat monomers [28]. MaSat and MiSat are both AT-rich (64 and 66 respectively), and share stretches of sequences with 83 homology [16]. MiSat arrays were not found in the assembled reference genome. However, Chromosome Unknown (ChrUn) contains MiSat (Additional file 1, Table S2). Centromeric position of MiSat in Table 2 is given according to fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) [29-31]. All the MiSat arrays (the longest array is 6 kb) are AT-rich, with GC content no more than 33 . Monomer variability of MiSat family is the lowest of all families except TE-related superfamily. In accordance with the data published [18,20,28,32] and low monomer variability MiSat arrays do not have a prominent HOR structure. One third of the arrays have the 120 bp monomer unit reported for MiSat [14,28,32]. The rest has units of 112 bp, 223 bp, 232 bp and one of the units is 1054 bp. The unit difference may be a base for the HOR structure, but the limited number of MiSat arrays found in WGS makes it difficult to draw conclusions on this point right now. The pericentromeric AT-rich MaSat is formed by 234 bp heterotetramer that consists of four different 58-60 bp monomers with common motif [24]. MaSat is the most abundan.