Or 1 h and the medium was harvested and centrifuged for 10 min to collect microglia.Real-time quantitative PCR assay for expression of inflammatory cytokinesRNA was extracted from retinal homogenates or cells using Trizol (QIAGEN, Valencia, CA) following the manufacturer’s instructions. Purified messenger RNA (mRNA) (1 g) was used for the first-strand complementary DNA (cDNA) synthesis using iScript cDNA PubMed ID:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25432023 synthesis kit (Bio-Rad) and quantitative RT-PCR was performed using the 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems, Carlsbad, CA), as described in our previous report [22]. Real-time quantitative PCR (qRTPCR) data with a high cycle number (e.g., >35) was not considered. Each cDNA template was amplified in triplicate using SYBR Green PCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems, Carlsbad, CA).Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for MCP-1 protein productionMicroglia isolation and purification from rd10 mouse retinasJQ1 or vehicle was intravitreally injected to rd10 mice at PN14, as described above. After 10 days, retinal microglial cells were isolated and purified, following our published method with minor modifications [7]. Briefly, animals were euthanized and their eyeballs enucleated immediately. The globes were dissected free of periocular connective tissues and rinsed with HBSS buffer. The anterior segment and vitreous were removed, and the retina was dissected free from the underlying RPE layer. The retinas were transferred into DMEM containing 70 U/ml collagenase (0.5 ml per eye) and incubated at 37 for 60 min. Enzyme activity was terminated using DMEM containing 10 FBS. The retinas were dissociated mechanically and passed through 40-m nylon mesh (Corning, NY). The dissociated cells were then labeled with antibodies for CD11b (BD, 557397) and CD45 (BD, 559864) and DAPI. Microglial cells were purified by flow sorting (CD11b positive and CD45 low) and a >95 purity was achieved. Cells were used immediately for RNA isolation and qRT-PCR.ELISA was performed to evaluate MCP-1 protein production in microglial cells, using an MCP-1 ELISA kit based on the sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique (R D Systems, Minneapolis, MN, USA). The absorbance was determined using a Flex Station 3 microplate reader (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA, USA).N9 microglial cell culture, pre-treatment with BET inhibitors, and LPS stimulationMouse N9 microglial cells were kindly provided by Dr. Paula Ricciardi-Castagnoli [23] and grown in the same medium described above for primary microglial cells. Cells were plated at a density of 120,000 cells/well on 12-well plates and used for experiments the following day. (+)-JQ1 (Cayman Chemicals, Ann Arbor, MI, USA), Olinone (Cat. GLXC-05021, Glixx Laboratories, Southborough, MA, USA), and RVX208 (Apexbio, Houston, TX, USA) were dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) for preparation of stock solutions, which were then diluted in DMEM for experiments. The final concentration of DMSO in the medium was less than 10 L/10 mL, which did not show any effect on cell growth. To identify appropriateZhao et al. Journal of SB 202190 supplier Neuroinflammation (2017) 14:Page 5 ofconcentrations of BET inhibitors for various experiments, we performed dose response pilot studies. N9 cells were pre-treated with BET inhibitors at various concentrations for 12 h, and then subjected to CellTiterGlo viability assay, as described in our previous report [22]. We chose 0.5, 30, and 30 M for JQ1, Olinone, and RVX208, respectively,.