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Ee policies among pharmacists within Nigeria. However, it does have some limitations as the cross sectional nature of the study does not allow for any causal inference. In addition, the pharmacists were drawn from Lagos state, the commercial capital of the country and one of the most populous states in Nigeria, therefore the findings cannot be generalized to the entire (ISSN: 1886-3655)Poluyi EO, Odukoya OO, Aina BA Faseru B. Tobacco related knowledge and support for smoke-free policies among community pharmacists in Lagos state, Nigeria. Pharmacy Practice 2015 Jan-Mar;13(1):486.CONCLUSIONS The majority of community pharmacists were aware of the harmfulness of tobacco to the smoker and to a lesser extent, the non-smoker while most of them were unaware of the current country-level tobacco control policies. Nevertheless, the majority of community pharmacists did support smoke-free policies. Community pharmacists should therefore be considered worth engaging in the promotion of smoke-free policies. Efforts should be made to educate pharmacists about tobacco related health risks and country-level smoke-free laws. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to Dr. Memuna Esan of the Department of Community Health, Lagos University Teaching Hospital and Mary T. Hynek of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public health, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA for proof reading the final manuscript. Author contributions: EOP OOO conceived the research idea. ABA and BF revised the study design and methodology for intellectual content. EOP and OOO performed the initial analysis of both the quantitative and qualitative findings. This was refined by ABA and BF. All authors contributed towards the drafting and final review of the manuscript. CONFLICT OF INTEREST None declared. CONOCIMIENTO SOBRE EL TABACO Y APOYO A LAS POL ICAS DE SIN HUMO ENTRE LOS FARMAC TICOS COMUNITARIOS DEL ESTADO DE LAGOS, NIGERIARESUMENAntecedentes: No hay niveles seguros de exposici de fumador pasivo y las pol icas de sin-humo han mostrado ser efectivas en la reducci del da de las enfermedades y muertes producidas por tabaco. Los farmac ticos, como grupo destacado de profesionales de la salud, pueden jugar un papel en la promoci de pol icas sin-humo. Objetivo: Determinar el conocimiento sobre el tabaco de los farmac ticos comunitarios y su apoyo a pol icas sin-humo en el estado de Lagos, Nigeria.M odos: Se utiliz?un estudio transversal usando tanto m odos cuantitativos como cualitativos. Se entrevist?a 212 farmac ticos comunitarios aleatoriamente seleccionados utilizando un cuestionario autoadministrado pre-pilotado. Adem , se realiz?una ZM241385 structure discusi en grupo focal con 10 farmac ticos de la secci del estado de Lagos de la ACY 241MedChemExpress ACY 241 Asociaci de Farmac ticos Comunitarios de Nigeria. Resultados: El cuestionario cuantitativo revel?que la mayor (72,1 ) de los respondentes ten n entre 20 y 40 a s, eran predominantemente hombres (60,8 ), de las etnias Yoruba (50,2 ) o Igbo (40,3 ) y estaban ejerciendo durante 10 a s o menos (72,2 ). La mayor (90,1 ) sab que el tabaco es malo para la salud. Ligeramente menos (75,8 ) sab que ser fumador pasivo es malo para la salud. Entre las enfermedades identificadas, los farmac ticos respondieron que los canceres de pulm (84,4 ) y de es ago (68,9 ) eran las enfermedades m frecuentemente asociadas con el tabaco. Menos de la mitad de los entrevistados asoci?el tabaco con enfermedad cardiaca (46.Ee policies among pharmacists within Nigeria. However, it does have some limitations as the cross sectional nature of the study does not allow for any causal inference. In addition, the pharmacists were drawn from Lagos state, the commercial capital of the country and one of the most populous states in Nigeria, therefore the findings cannot be generalized to the entire (ISSN: 1886-3655)Poluyi EO, Odukoya OO, Aina BA Faseru B. Tobacco related knowledge and support for smoke-free policies among community pharmacists in Lagos state, Nigeria. Pharmacy Practice 2015 Jan-Mar;13(1):486.CONCLUSIONS The majority of community pharmacists were aware of the harmfulness of tobacco to the smoker and to a lesser extent, the non-smoker while most of them were unaware of the current country-level tobacco control policies. Nevertheless, the majority of community pharmacists did support smoke-free policies. Community pharmacists should therefore be considered worth engaging in the promotion of smoke-free policies. Efforts should be made to educate pharmacists about tobacco related health risks and country-level smoke-free laws. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to Dr. Memuna Esan of the Department of Community Health, Lagos University Teaching Hospital and Mary T. Hynek of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public health, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA for proof reading the final manuscript. Author contributions: EOP OOO conceived the research idea. ABA and BF revised the study design and methodology for intellectual content. EOP and OOO performed the initial analysis of both the quantitative and qualitative findings. This was refined by ABA and BF. All authors contributed towards the drafting and final review of the manuscript. CONFLICT OF INTEREST None declared. CONOCIMIENTO SOBRE EL TABACO Y APOYO A LAS POL ICAS DE SIN HUMO ENTRE LOS FARMAC TICOS COMUNITARIOS DEL ESTADO DE LAGOS, NIGERIARESUMENAntecedentes: No hay niveles seguros de exposici de fumador pasivo y las pol icas de sin-humo han mostrado ser efectivas en la reducci del da de las enfermedades y muertes producidas por tabaco. Los farmac ticos, como grupo destacado de profesionales de la salud, pueden jugar un papel en la promoci de pol icas sin-humo. Objetivo: Determinar el conocimiento sobre el tabaco de los farmac ticos comunitarios y su apoyo a pol icas sin-humo en el estado de Lagos, Nigeria.M odos: Se utiliz?un estudio transversal usando tanto m odos cuantitativos como cualitativos. Se entrevist?a 212 farmac ticos comunitarios aleatoriamente seleccionados utilizando un cuestionario autoadministrado pre-pilotado. Adem , se realiz?una discusi en grupo focal con 10 farmac ticos de la secci del estado de Lagos de la Asociaci de Farmac ticos Comunitarios de Nigeria. Resultados: El cuestionario cuantitativo revel?que la mayor (72,1 ) de los respondentes ten n entre 20 y 40 a s, eran predominantemente hombres (60,8 ), de las etnias Yoruba (50,2 ) o Igbo (40,3 ) y estaban ejerciendo durante 10 a s o menos (72,2 ). La mayor (90,1 ) sab que el tabaco es malo para la salud. Ligeramente menos (75,8 ) sab que ser fumador pasivo es malo para la salud. Entre las enfermedades identificadas, los farmac ticos respondieron que los canceres de pulm (84,4 ) y de es ago (68,9 ) eran las enfermedades m frecuentemente asociadas con el tabaco. Menos de la mitad de los entrevistados asoci?el tabaco con enfermedad cardiaca (46.

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