At Follow-Up in AT Group Alter from Baseline to Follow-Up involving
At Follow-Up in AT Group Change from Baseline to Follow-Up among Groups (p Worth)Author/YearStudy DesignCountryPartecipant DesignNEPSY Phonological Processing 8.98 (3.14); NEPSY Comprehension of Guidelines ten.18 (two.91); NEPSY Speeded Naming 9.43 (3.40). Nonverbal reasoning: DAS-II Matrices 47.84 (9.69); DAS-II Sequential and Quantitative Reasoning 46.71 (eight.96); DAS-II Pattern Building 49.92 (7.54); DAS-II Recall of Styles 49.67 (8.25). Consideration and executive function: NEPSY Visual Focus ten.36 (two.88); NEPSY Auditory Consideration and Response Set ten.68 (2.90); NEPSY Tower 11.28 (two.71); NEPSY-II Inhibition, Naming 8.90 (3.65); NEPSY-II Inhibition, Inhibition 8.76 (three.44); NEPSY-II Inhibition, Switching 8.33 (3.25); NEPSY-II Word Generation, Semantic Situation 10.77 (3.08);NEPSY Phonological Processing 9.39 (3.52); NEPSY Comprehension of Guidelines ten.45 (3.07); NEPSY Speeded Naming 9.64 (3.11). Nonverbal reasoning: DAS-II Matrices 49.88 (8.78); DAS-II Sequential and Quantitative Reasoning 48.03 (eight.67); DAS-II Pattern Building 49.76 (six.98); DAS-II Recall of Styles 49.49 (eight.31). Focus and executive function: NEPSY Visual Attention 10.96 (three.03); NEPSY Auditory Consideration and Response Set 10.81 (2.62); NEPSY Tower 11.53 (two.81); NEPSY-II Inhibition, Naming 9.30 (three.72); NEPSY-II Inhibition, Inhibition 9.11 (3.42); NEPSY-II Inhibition, Switching 9.21 (three.81); NEPSY-II Word Generation, Semantic Situation ten.51 (three.07);Verbal skills: not VBIT-4 Epigenetic Reader Domain substantial modify (p = 0.942; p = 0.557; p = 0.443; p = 0.803; p = 0.773) Nonverbal reasoning: considerable transform only for DAS-II Sequential and Quantitative Reasoning (p = 0.040) Consideration and executive function: not substantial adjust (p = 0.061; p = 0.353; p = 0.960; p = 0.739; p = 0.072; p = 0.201; p = 0.797; p = 0.580)Children 2021, 8,18 ofTable four. Cont. Outcomes at Follow-Up in WWSC or Handle Group Outcomes at Follow-Up in AT Group Modify from Baseline to Follow-Up between Groups (p Value)Author/YearStudy DesignCountryPartecipant DesignNEPSY-II Word Generation, Initial Letter Condition 9.24 (3.17). Perceptual otor and visual-spatial abilities: Purdue Pegboard Dominant Hand 0.15 (1.05); Purdue Pegboard Non-Dominant Hand 0.15 (1.14); Purdue Pegboard Both Hands -0.04 (0.80); Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration 93.91 (ten.93); NEPSY Arrows 10.28 (two.67). Verbal mastering and memory: WRAML2 Verbal Mastering 10.75 (2.77); WRAML2 Verbal Studying Recall 10.23 (two.65); WRAML2 Verbal Mastering Recognition ten.28 (2.46). AHI: n/a SpO2 nadir : n/a CBCL summary scores: Full CBCL (T-scores): Total Problems: -1 Internalizing: -1 Externalising: 0 Scale Scores: Anxious/Depressed: 0 Withdrawn/Depressed: 0 Decanoyl-L-carnitine Protocol Somatic Complaints:NEPSY-II Word Generation, Initial Letter Situation 9.16 (2.96). Perceptual otor and visual-spatial skills: Purdue Pegboard Dominant Hand 0.27 (0.96); Purdue Pegboard Non-Dominant Hand 0.18 (1.10); Purdue Pegboard Each Hands 0.10 (0.81); Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration 93.94 (11.34); NEPSY Arrows 10.46 (2.72). Verbal mastering and memory: WRAML2 Verbal Studying ten.71 (two.86); WRAML2 Verbal Studying Recall ten.22 (2.72); WRAML2 Verbal Mastering Recognition 10.40 (three.01). AHI: n/a SpO2 nadir : n/a CBCL summary scores: Full CBCL (T-scores): Total Issues: -4 Internalizing: -3 Externalizing-2 Scale Scores: Anxious/Depressed: 0 Withdrawn/Depressed: 0 Somatic Complaints:Perceptual otor and visual-spatial skills: considerable modify only for Purdue Pegboard Each Hands (p = 0.030) Ver.